Sunday, March 30, 2008

Changes and New Sites

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There have been a lot of changes and new sites since I updated the last post. HiperBux has gone back to .03 per click. The .07 per click was nice while it lasted. Hope you got in on it. On a brighter note ChangeOfMoney has raised it's rate to .03 per click, up from .02. When you have a credit of $4.00 you can place an ad for 500 visitors. There's a lot of ads so you'll be placing ads and getting traffic to your site in no time!
Clicks4Ads is a new site paying .06 per click and they have a lot of ads to click. Another new site is BuxMafia giving you .05 per click. They don't have a lot of ads yet and are still working out some of the bugs in their system. When you convert to ads on the site the site owner will email you to send the information via email. It's no big deal, just an extra step. The one advantage I found with only having a few ads on the site is that your ad doesn't get lost in a sea of ads. But hey, 1,000 visitors is 1,000 visitors no matter how they found your site, they found it and that's the main thing.
EZRefs has taken over the .07 per click territory since HiperBux backed out. They have a ton of ads so it won't be long before you're adding yours to the list.
Some of the changes I've made to the blog are putting the links at the side where they are easier to access. I've included a section of links that pay you cash as well for those that are interested. You can also use your earnings to buy ads on these sites as well.
I don't think it is possible to click all the links at all the sites listed. There's just too many of them!! And lets face it, it's boring, tedious and monotonous but well worth it. To break up the monotony I'm going to include some fun links as well. The first one is for a site called Moola. They give you a free penny to start you off. You play simple games against others with the same amount of money as you, winner take all. The idea is to try to keep doubling your free penny to over 10 million dollars. The site is by invitation only. The link at the side will take you to my invitations. Don't worry if you lose your free penny, they'll give you another one. If you use their seach bar you might get to spin the wheel of fortune or money wheel for real cash. It's a nice break from time to time.
My favorite ad that I found recently was for something called rollercoaster pricing. If you don't like the price you just hit the refresh button and the price either goes up or down. When you get to a price you think is the lowest or that you're willing to pay you just click the buy button and get it for that price. I don't know how much time I wasted hitting the refresh button but it was a nice diversion.
I'll have more information on the new sites listed over the next couple of days as well as more new sites.
Happy clicking till then.

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